Wednesday, March 20, 2013

DIY: Distressed Denim

Have you ever noticed that distressed denim costs about triple what non-distressed denim does? I understand that the process of distressing is probably a mess during manufacturing and takes much longer. So yesterday I was surfing a women's fashion on Pinterest and thought, "Why can't I do it myself?" About 2 hours later and a little research under my belt, I decided to give it a try. Here was my stab in the dark:

First things first: I gathered up my supplies.

1: Really, really sharp scissors.
2: Small utility knife (You could substitute a disposible razor here but i only have expensive refills & didn't want to waste them.)
3: Nail file
4: Pumice stone (only slightly used previously & honestly, it did not ruin it)
5. Piece of white chalk

Next, I put the jeans on & marked with the chalk where I wanted there to be holes, distressed areas, fraying, etc. Then I laid them out on the floor, as seen here. Now, before you guys go all, "those look like nice jeans to be destroying." I know, I know. But, I seriously never never wear these jeans. They are a little too long and just don't fit perfect so they have been sitting in my closet since Black Friday & I think I ahve worn them once!

Step #3: I rolled up the leg to make the knee area a little more accessible. I took my scissors & simply cut where I had a chalk line. Now, please be careful not to cut clear through the back layer during you intitial cutting. (That's why I rolled up the leg.)

Then I cut a small hole in the back left pocket. To make it look frayed like this, I simply rubbed the pumice stone back and forth on the cut area after I had made a clean cut with the scissors. (I did this on the cut out knee as well)

Another way to add to the distressed look without actually cutting a hole: I simply used the utility knife to "shave" the top layer of denim. This makes it look thin & faded, but there is no visible hole. i did this right below the knee on the side opposite from the holey knee.

I noticed that they were still looking pretty fresh & I wanted them to look worn in. I held each belt loop and cut along the hem. I did not cut through the hem, I just snipped off the thin strip of fabric on the outside of the hem and then rubbed it with the pumice stone. the results are in the following pic:

I continued this method on all the beltloops, the top of the front and back pockets, and the inside hem of the legs:

That's it! I am going to give them a wash before I wear them, so that the frayed areas become a bit more frayed. I will give you a little OOTD when I wear them to a concert this weekend!

A little side note: This is pretty messy. There were little shreds of denim all over my room & I ahd to run the vacuum! Haha, but it turned out really great for a first time try!

TAG: I heart spring!

As I was browsing YouTube, I noticed a new tag & thought, "what better way to get back into blogging?" So here is the I heart spring tag, originally made by missglamorazzi.

1. Favorite spring nail polish? I can honestly say that I have been painting my nails! I officially stopped biting my nails about a month ago, which I have struggled with since I was a tiny child. So...I have been putting on the polish! My fave right now is Shall We Dance by Sally Hansen. It is a nice light color that makes your nails look clean.

2. What is your must-have lip color this spring? My must have lip product is pretty boring right now: I have been obsessed with the original Burt's Bees. My lips get so dry and chapped this time of year and it really softens and heals them. I have also been using a lip scrub/balm duo from Victoria's Secret about once a week. It makes my lips feel supple and full.

3. Show us your favorite spring dress! must be great to wear dresses this time of year! It was 36 degrees here this morning and the wind was gusting so hard our power kept blinking, plus my car kept getting blown around on the interstate. I generally try to wear warmer clothing items when it's that cold.

4. What's your favorite flower? My favorite flower is a purple orchid. I don't like a lot of flowers bc I have crazy allergies, but my mom is a fabulous gardener. She has a huge clematis vine that will burst with flowers in a couple months & I always look forward to that.

5. Favorite spring scarf/accessory? I wore a zebra striped scarf the other day and a peachy colored one a couple weeks ago, I like scarves this time of year because they look fun but keep me warm.

6. What spring trend(s) are you most excited about this year? (Makeup, fashion or both!) hmm..I have to say that I am really enjoying the color mint. It is literally everywhere! I have been considering getting the mint colored vans..or maybe a nice mint cardi..or maybe even both!
Aren't these cute?
7. Favorite spring candle? Lately i have been on a huge "No Buy." Meaning, I cannot buy more of something before I use up most of what I have. So I am finishing up odds & ends of leftover candles. Yesterday I burnt a Peppermint Mocha one from B&BW and this evening I burnt a Sugar Cookie one from WalMart.

8. Favorite body spray/perfume for spring? I really like the same scents year-round. I need to establish more of a rotation. I have been loving Be Enchanted from B&BW and also a long time favorite: Pink Warm & Cozy from Victoria's Secret Pink.

9. What is spring like where you live? I live in WV, and springtime is cold and wet. This morning it was 36 & super windy. It usually pours the rain/sleet down. We don't get to experience warm weather til about May/June.

10. What's your favorite thing about spring? I love the anticipation of knowing that warm weather is right around the corner!

11. Are you a spring cleaner? Yes & No. I am an OCD, neat freak at all times of the year. I cannot stand clutter or dirt. However, I go through little "episodes" of cleaning out/going through/reorganizing everything. It usually happens late @ night when I cannot sleep! Weird, right?

12. Any plans for spring break or an upcoming vacation? I plan on going to my cousin's wedding in May, but it is just about 30 min away. This weekend I am going to a Luke Bryan concert! & my huge summer trip isn't until September: I am going to the beach with my fiance & our group of friends! I cannot wait!

So there it is, my version of I heart spring.

PS: So sorry for being MIA. I have been extremely busy, plus I haven't felt up to par. So excited to be back :)