Sunday, November 4, 2012


Hello everyone! I thought I would mix things up & show you a few little "upgrades" I did to my room.

I have always, always wanted a jewelry armior. I had been actively looking for one for about the past 2 years and I just could not find one I really liked, until recently. I have been watching Tiffany's videos on Youtube for a while now and I could not help noticing the jewelry armior she had in the background. I immediately fell in love. It took me a while, but I finally found the exact one from her videos at Pier 1. It was a little more money than I wanted to spend, but I saved up and talked myself into it. It is part of the Hayworth Collection, if you are curious. Here are some pics, I feel like the pics do not do it justice. You have to see it in person to see the full beauty.

This is the outside. It is stunning in person. Please excuse the reflection of my legs in the mirror.

This is what it looks like opened. There is sooo much space inside!
I am absolutely loving it! I finally have a place for all my jewelry & been actually wearing it. I am exicted. Let me know if you guys want to see it up close with my jewelry organized in it, I'll take some up closer pics.
Meanwhile on Pinterest...I saw this really cool shoe rack that was made from a bookcase.
looks pretty legit, right?
I figured I would just buy a bookcase & adjust the shelves to however far spaced apart tehy needed to be. Just buying the bookcase was the hardest part! I went everywhere in search of a bookcase. The only thing I could find was cheapo particle board. So, I thought that might work. I bought a particle board bookcase @ WalMart and when I brought it home it was too flimsy to even stand up by itself.! The hunt was still on. I eventually found a real wood, solid bookcase at Target that I bought. Here is my Pinterest inspired shoe storage solution: 

It's not too bad if I do say so myself. I went with black, bc it matched my room better. I also have too many shoes for just one, and my boots are still in my closet. I might have a slight shoe addiction...

So there are my 2 room upgrades. Let me know if you enjoy seeing this kind of thing or whatever :)

I heart fall

It's that time of year again: fall! I saw a tag on YouTube that was the "I heart fall" tag, started by MissJenFabulous (go check her out) She made up all of the questions so now I'll answer:

1 Favorite Fall lip product? I have to be boring with this one and say Burts Bee's. I always wear lip gloss in the spring and summer but in the fall I need more hydration so I use this simple lip balm. I love the way it makes my lips tingle. I have one beside my bed, one in my car, and another in my purse. I hate chapped lips and Burt's Bees is the only balm that really prevents this.

2 Favorite Fall Nail Polish? For this one I have to say any color of purple. I love having purple nails in the fall. I feel like it can be dark, but still fun.

3 Favorite Starbucks Fall Drink? Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte, what else? I tried to branch out the other day and get the salted caramel latte & that was bad news, I didn't like the salty aftertaste.

4 Favorite Fall Candle? Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin by Bath & Body Works. Do you see a theme? haha I love anything pumpkin flavored or scented. I do like their Leaves scent too.

5 Favorite Fall Scarf or accessory: I love love love boots. I have black and brown Steve Maddens & so many Uggs that I'm embarrassed. They are so comfy and warm.

6 Haunted house, haunted hay ride, or haunted corn maze? I have to say it is a toss up between haunted house and haunted hayride. I participated in all 3 a couple weekends ago at Rich's Fright Farm in Pennsylvania. It was an absolute blast!

7 Favorite Halloween movie? I never really watch any Halloween movies. I dk why. I like scary movies, I just never seem to watch any aroung this time of year.

8 Favorite candy to eat on Halloween? I love the pumpkin shaped Reese's cups! They are :) I like pretty much any candy though.

9 What are you dressing up as for Halloween?! I actually didn't dress up this year. I had to work, so I wore my Halloween scrubs with little spiders on them!

10 What is your Favorite thing about Fall? There is so much I love about fall. Boots, warmer clothes, football, the first snowflakes. But I think what I like most of all is that fall seems to be the calm before the storm. Soon Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here & everyone will be in a whirlwind of craziness. You won't be able to get a parking spot at the mall & ppl will be stressing over presents/get togethers. I love that fall is a time of peacefulness.

OOTD: bff's bridal shower

A couple weekends ago I went to one of my best friend's bridal shower. I was so exicted to see her bc she has been away at college for the past 3 years! So here is what I wore:

Obviously I'm the short blonde on the right :)
     My dress is from Kohl's, Sweater from GAP, boots are Steve Maddens that I bought at Journeys.
I liked this outfit but I felt like the dress was too long. I like the design on the bottom of it but I felt like I was all dress & no body. haha, oh well. Apparently we all got the memo to wear boots :)
     It was nice to catch up, and scary to think that we are old enough to get married!



     Hello! Does anyone remember the Influenster VoxBox I received around Valentine's Day? Whether you do or not, Influenster is an interesting thing. It is a type of social networking site for ppl who are "influensters." (Their word not mine, haha) Basically that means those who have Facebook, YouTube, blogs, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram...etc & share things with others, or influence them. So why am I rambling about this, you ask?
     I got an email from them today & they have revamped their website. It got a huge make-over. It is much easier to use & there is more information. You make your own profile & then unlock badges by taking surveys/writing reviews/sharing your opinions with others on the social networking sites you already have. Once you start racking up badges you can gain access to getting boxes full of free stuff! There are also giveaways/drawings to win stuff all the time. Before, I gained badges to get the Love VoxBox around Valentine's Day and then I shared pics on here, wrote reveiws, and shared some of the brand's names on social networking sites. I got a ton of free stuff, which was great.
     So, go check it out for yourself! Here is there website:  It will be worth your time, who doesn't want free stuff for giving your honest opinion about new products?

I'm back!

     Hey everyone! Guess what....I'm back. That's right, after months of being MIA I have finally managed to get back on here. I apologize for abandoning my blog. I was posting like crazy there for a while & all of a sudden I was gone. Anyone interested in why I have been missing?? If so, read on :)

     As some of you may know, I was in nursing school. I am proud to annouce that on June 30th I graduated as a Licensed Practical Nurse! Getting through nursing school was extremely tough. There were times when I did not sleep and I ate way to much fast food. I gained 15lbs (which I have already managed to loose!) & lost some friends. I had zero time, let alone free time so that is why I stopped posting. (insert cheezy pic of me holding diploma here)

     The first week of July I began working at a nursing home as a graduate nurse. I absolutely love it. I have def found my calling. There are days where it is crazy & I want to rip my hair out but it is soo worth it in the end. I love spending time with the residents and helping them out however I can. On my days off I studied my butt off for the NCLEX (or nurses licensing test.)

     The second week in August I took the NCLEX. It was so difficult! I felt defeited when I finished. however, I got my results backa couple days later and I had passed! Therefore, I was officially hired at the nursing home. The last week in August I bought a new car! My car had been falling apart for about a year & I was ready for something newer so I bought a 2010 Honda Element.

  September I worked a ton & tried to catch up with friends and family that I had neglected during school/finding a new job/buying a new car. It was nice to find some routine in my life. I rotated between working dayshift and evening shift. This continued through October, I just worked a lot & tried to spend as much time as possible catching back up on my social life.
     Night before last something else really exciting happened...My boyfriend proposed! We have been dating for 2 years & 4 months. We have been talking about marriage for a couple months now, so I was kinda expecting it for Christmas. Here is the ring:

     It is a princess cut, 1/2 carat, & beautiful! He let me pick it out too, kudos to him right? So right now it is getting sized because I have little fingers (I wear size 4.5). In 2 weeks it is supposed to be sized and will be back onto my finger!

     Ok, are you all tired of me blabbing about my crazy life? haha I thought so. How about some beauty reviews or OOTD? They will be coming on here pretty soon, I promise! Next week is my birthday & then comes Thanksgiving & Christmas so hopefully I'll ahve a few seasonal posts up too.

     Have a great day & it's good to be back :)